Black ants are truly formidable in any season, anywhere, and at any time.
Trout are fond of them. You don't need to wait for a mayfly hatch to use them.
The Dark Hendrickson is a fabulous mayfly imitation, a deadly fly on most rivers. It’s recommended to have multiple sizes in your fly box. Choose the hook size based on the current hatch.
The Adams Parachute has very low floatation and is an excellent "searching fly".
Also worth trying when nothing else works, its purple body can make all the difference.
Baetis Rhodani, also known as the "large dark olive," is mainly present early in the season, from February to April. However, it is not uncommon to spot it much later, until the end of summer.
The Elk Hair Caddis is a dry fly that imitates a caddisfly (Sedge). A wing made of elk or deer hair, it floats high on the water and resists fast currents well. Versatile and effective, it is ideal for trout rivers. It is one of the most popular and effective..
Imitation of Ignita mayfly, bi-wing assembly in CDC . Highly visible on the water thanks to its small fluorescent orange pompom (UV floss). Body in brown kapok dubbing.
It is recommended to use a hydrophobic to increase its buoyancy.
Fine wire hook size: 14
Here is a version of the famous Tavanas (or Tabanas) fly with a deer wing decorated with CDC . You will easily spot your fly in fishing action thanks to its very visible pink tuft . It can be used in tandem dry/nymph . Available sizes: 10, 12, 14 and..
Imitation of mayfly, comparadun style in deer hair. Body in olive kapok dubbing. Fine wire "SL1" hook.
It is recommended to use a hydrophobic to increase its buoyancy.
Fine wire hook size: 14
Imitation of Ignita mayfly, bi-wing assembly in CDC . Highly visible on the water thanks to its small fluorescent orange tag (floss). Body in brown kapok dubbing.
It is recommended to use a hydrophobic to increase its buoyancy.
Fine wire hook size: 14
Here is a version of the famous Tavanas (or Tabanas) fly with a deer wing + CDC . You will easily spot your fly in fishing action thanks to its very visible pink posts.
It can be used in tandem dry/nymph .
Available sizes: 10, 12, 14 and 16
Ideal fly for the slow currents of small rivers with crystal clear waters. This fly, deliberately sparse, is intended for very educated fish.
It is recommended to use a hydrophobic to increase its buoyancy.
Fine wire hook size: 14
The Goddard Caddis fly (or G & H Sedge) was invented by John Goddard and Cliff Henry. In France it is commonly called "Goddard's Sedge". This fly imitates an adult sedge (caddisfly). Available in 3 sizes: 10, 12 and 14. In the evening, when the caddisflies are moving awkwardly on..